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Action Philosophers - The Play!

One of the coolest things ever - Action Philosophers, the comic series by Fred Van Lente and myself, was adapted for the stage by Crystal Skillman and had its premiere performances at The Brick theater in mid-2011, in a production directed by John Hurley.

CL Weatherstone as Plato

Joe Mathers as Karl Marx

Neimah Djourabchi as Bodhidharma

Kelley Rae O'Donnell as Ayn Rand (and Joe again as Jesus)

stage left: Ben Fine as Jean-Paul Sartre, stage right: Ryan Andes as Rene Descartes

I found a promo video on Youtube, complete with an original theme song!

It was such a thrill seeing some goofy underground comics I'd drawn mostly as a joke brought to life by so many talented people. It was popular enough that they mounted a second production in October of the same year with CL, Joe and Neimah returning to their roles, joined by Timothy McCown Reynolds, Matthew Trumbull and Kristen Vaughn as Neitzsche/Sarte, Descartes and Rand, respectively. Fingers crossed for a revival someday but in the meantime you can purchase Crystal's adaptation of the play right here!


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