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lyrics by "Weird" Al Yankovic
adapted and illustrated by Ryan Dunlavey
colored by Adam Guzowski
from "The Illustrated Al" Z2 Comics, 2022


"Dream gigs" really don't get any better than this! Five time Grammy Award-winner and legendary musical satirist “Weird ” Al Yankovic and Z2 Comics gathered a bunch of cartoonists to turn dozens of Al's original songs into comics - and I was one of them! All the cartoonists were given a list of about 20 songs to choose to turn into a comic. As a teenager in the 80's I'd been a big Weird Al fan so I was very familiar with his song catalog and but there was one song on the list I'd never even heard of  -"Albuquerque"- that was a staggering 12 minutes long! I gave it a listen and five minutes in I knew that this was the song I had to adapt. Luckily, Al approved and I brought aboard my long-time artistic partner Adam Guzowski to color it. I think it's one of the best things we've ever done.

Hey Al, if you're reading this - let's make another one!

Excerpts from The Illustrated Al:

this website and all content is created by and © Ryan Dunlavey unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.

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